BOLD VAN Marketing
August 27, 2023
5 min read
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These days, you are hard-pressed to find anyone who hasn't been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic that has radically changed the way we live and conduct business. Many companies are struggling financially and looking for ways to cut costs to offset economic setbacks.One area to take a closer look at is your monthly EDI VAN bill. You may be able to drastically slash this cost by changing providers.BOLD VAN has a pricing model that is different from the rest — one that benefits companies during economic challenges like a pandemic. We've seen clients reduce their bill by $10,000 a month after migrating to BOLD VAN.Trader Partner Pricing All other EDI VAN providers charge clients by the kilo-character or number of transactions. These costs can stack up quickly; oftentimes the money saved on the costs associated with paper transactions end up being less than the data fees. That doesn't seem right.But BOLD VAN is the only VAN in the world that offers an alternative: Our trading partner pricing means you're charged by how many companies you do business with. The monthly VAN bill never includes extra fees based on the amount of data exchanged. You only owe for the number of trading partners you exchanged data with for that month ― you are not charged for the total amount of trading partners you have set up in the EDI're guaranteed the fee schedule from the date you sign up for a minimum of three years. If you decide to extend at the end of that time, you will lock in that same fee schedule for an additional two years.

Try it for Three Months

The switch is completely free and we offer a three-month trial period. (You can click here to start your three-month trial now.) The service is quick and easy to set up; simply subscribe online and your mailbox is created and activated within minutes. Within BOLD VAN's state-of-the-art online portal, customers can search, view and reprocess documents. Unlike other value added networks, BOLD VAN's portal provides access to data for a minimum of 90 days.In addition, there are no long-term contracts and you can leave with a 30-day notice. To find out how we can help reduce your VAN bill, contact BOLD VAN by calling 844-265-3777 or emailing

BOLD VAN Marketing
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