Nicole Wilson
August 27, 2023
5 min read
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Have you looked at your VAN bill lately?

Is your monthly bill easy to understand or do you find yourself questioning what the excessive fees are for? Recently I have heard complaints that VAN providers are charging their customers exorbitant fees.If you are wondering whether or not your VAN provider is overcharging your organization, then you may want to ask yourself if any of the fees below sound familiar:

  • Start-up fee
  • Trading partner testing fee
  • Connection fee
  • Transaction fee
  • Peak time fee
  • Document fee
  • AS2 fee
  • Mailbox fee
  • Interconnect fee
  • Legacy fee
  • Monthly fee based on trading partner volume

No Hidden Fees.Most VAN providers advertise that there will be “no hidden fees” on your monthly bill. They tell you that your bill will be simple to understand. They tell you that after a low start-up fee, then you are only charged based on the volume of KCs (kilo characters) used. However, the truth is:

  • Details on your bill are not simple
  • There are more fees than what was originally promised

It does not matter how your provider may justify these tactics; it is a bad way to do business. Don't let the fear of switching VAN providers hold you back. You deserve the best possible service. So why stay with an EDI Value Added Network provider that does not treat you as a valued customer?If you are like me, then you want to partner up with a company that offers you the most value for the lowest price.VAN providers have been using the same business model for decades, and this model does not focus on what is important to today's customer.The ultimate goal of a VAN provider should be delivering exceptional value to your business, and providing value at a price point that fits your budget. It is time to stop putting up with:

  • Old technology
  • Excessive fees
  • Marginal customer service

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself…”-Franklin D. RooseveltDon't let unnecessary fear of change, cost your organization and your department untold thousands of dollars, every year.BOLD VAN provides solutions that will reduce costs for your business, accelerate growth, and exceed your customers' expectations. No hidden fees, and you are charged by the number of trading partners, not kilo characters.

Nicole Wilson
Content Manager

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